Tournaments & shootings @ Tennis Point Vienna
Lots of tournaments are played at Tennis Point Vienna: tennis, badminton, squash, and racketlon.
Private persons who organize a tournament for friends within the framework of a party, or professional tournament series or club-tournaments...
Tournaments are played here for charity-reasons and for professional sports, for hobby-players and for young players.
As you can use the lounge in front of the badminton hall, the lounge in front of squash court #3 or the kids corner for our little guests there is enough room for the game-breaks.
The restaurant offers you a wide range for your culinarical wishes, even a buffet for the end of your tournament and has enough room for the award ceremony.
If you want to organize your own turnament – a birthday tournament or a business cup, ... – we are looking forward to your message or call. We will be delighted to support you. or 00436763310079
Shootings for film or fotos are made at Tennis Point Vienna
If you want the location for your film- or Fotoshootings, we will be delighted to help you. In a call we can check out your needs and at a location-viewing we can talk about the Details.
Just feel free to contact / 00436763310079. (after almost 20 years in advertising she can support you in your project.)
Some of the latest tournaments:
– Juniors. Hobbytennistour
– Charity Turnier zu Gunsten Kinderhospiz MOMO
– Gerry Regel Gedenkturnier
– Landesliga-Turnier des Wiener Squash-Verbandes
– Badminton Club BISONS VIENNA
– Racketlon-Turniere von Racketlon Austria
– Racketlon-Turniere im Rahmen der Two4Rackets-Tour
Tennis Point Vienna TOURNAMENTS